Formatting Tags

Formatting HTML tags are the tags from which Formatting of Document Text is done.

1. <abbr>

<abbr> full name is abbreviation. <abbr> defines an abbreviation or an acronym.

Example :




<title>HTML Abbreviation Tag </title>



<p>TCS is a  <abbr  title="Multinational Company">MNC</abrr>  Company</p>



Output :

2. <b>

<b> tag Define bold text in html document.

Example :




<title> Bold Text Example </title>



<p> This is example of <b> Bold </b> Text </p>



Output :

3. <big>

<big> tag Text from the Big Element is used to enlarge to Normal Size.

Example :




<title> Big Text Example </title>



<p> This is example of <big> BIG </big> Text </p>



Output :

4. <blockquote>

In <blockquote> tag defines a section that is quoted from another source.

Example :




<title>  Blockquote Tag Example </title>



<h1> The Blockquote Example </h1>

<p> This is Thought </p>

<blockquote> "A day wasted on others is not wasted on one's ourself" (it is blockquote).</blockquote>



Output :

5. <cite>

<cite> tag defines the title of a work.

Example :




<title> Cite tag Example </title>



<p> I am going to <cite> Delhi </cite> today. </p>



Output :

6. <center>

<center> tag defines html elements positions.

Example :




<title>  Center text Example </title>


h1 {text-align: center; }

p {text-align: center; }




<h1> This is a Example of Center Tag. </h1>

<p> This is paragraph. </p>



Output :

7. <code>

<code> tag defines a piece of computer code.

Example :




<title>  Code text Example </title>



<p><code> code define a piece of programming code. </code></p>



Output :

8. <del>

<del> tag used to text that has been deleted from a document.

Example :




<title> Insert text Example </title>



<p> I am going to <del> Delhi </del> Meerut  </p>



Output :

9. <dfn>

<dfn> tag Represents the defining instance of a term.

Example :




<title> DFN text Example </title>



<p> <dfn> PC </dfn>: Personal Computer



Output :

10. <em>

<em> tag define emphasized text.

Example :




<title> EM text Example </title>



<em> Emphasize Text </em>



Output :

11. <font>

<font> tag  define font text. (Like- color, size etc).

Example :




<title> Font text Example </title>



<p style="color:blue"> This is first example of font color.</p>

<p style="font-family:verdana" > This is second example of font size. </p>



Output :

12. <i>

<i> tag defines a part of text. This makes the text diagonal.

Example :




<title> Italic text Example </title>



<p> <i>This is example of italic <i></p>



Output :

13. <ins>

<ins> tag used to a text that has been inserted into a document.

Example :




<title> Insert text Example </title>



<p> I am going to <del> Delhi </del> <ins> Meerut </ins> </p>



Output : 

14. <kbd>

<kbd> tag defines keyboard input.

Example :




<title>  Keyboard text Example </title>



<p> <kbd> File  !  Open.. </kbd></p>



Output :

15. <mark>

<mark> tag defines marked/highlighted text.

Example :




<title>  Mark Text Example </title>



<h1> <mark> This is a Example of Mark Tag. </mark></h1>



Output :

16. <meter>

<meter tag defines a scalar measurement within a known range.

Example :




<title> Meter Tag Example </title>



The meter reads :

<meter  value='5' min="0" max="10"> 5 out of 10 </meter>



Output :

17. <pre>

<pre> tag defines preformatted text.





<title>  Pre tag Example </title>




Hello I am given example,

Pre   tag is used for indicating performatted text.

pre element is displayed in a fixed-width font, but it can be changed using CSS (It is a prefomatted).




Output :

 18. <q>

<q> tag is used to defines a short quotation.

Example :




<title>  Quotation text Example </title>



<h1> This is a Example of quotation tag. </h1>

<p> BCCI :

<q> Board of  control for cricket in india </q></p>



Output :

19. <s>

<s> tag defines text that is no longer correct.

Example :




<title>  <s > text Example </title>



<p><s>   tag defines text that is no longer correct   </s></p>



Output :

20. <small>

<small> tag defines a smaller text.

Example :




<title> Small text Example </title>



<p> This is example of <small> Small Text  </small></p>



Output :

21. <strong>

<strong> tag defines important text.

Example :




<title> Strong Text Example </title>



<p> This is example of Normal Text </p>

<p><strong> This is second  example of strong text </strong></p>



Output :

22. <sub>

<sub> tag defines subscripted text.

Example :




<title> Subscript text Example </title>



<p> This is example of <sub> Subscript </sub> Text </p>



Output :

23. <sup>

<sup> tag defines superscripted text.

Example :




<title> Superscript text Example </title>



<p> This is example of <sup> Superscript </sup> Text </p>



Output :

24. <u>

<u> tag defines underline text.

Example :




<title> underline text Example </title>



<p> This is example of <u> underline </u> Text </p>



Output :