HTML History

HTML was created by sir Tim Berners Lee in 1990 . but the firstly publicly available description of html was a document called "HTML Tags", first mentioned on the internet by tim berners - lee in late 1991. currently the task of developing HTML is with an organization "world wide web consortium (w3c)".

HTML Version

1. HTML 2.0 :
HTML 2.0 was published on 1995. HTML 2.0 was the standard for website design and define may core html features.

2.HTML 3.2 :
HTML 3.2 was published on 1997, as a W3C Recommendation it was the first version developed and standardized exclusively by the W3C, as the IEFT had closed its HTML.

3.HTML 4.01 :
HTML 3.2 was published on 1999, as a W3C Recommendation.

4.HTML 5 :
The latest version of HTML is HTML 5. In addition to the features of HTML 4.01, XML features have also been added to it.